Top Gamers list is updated daily.
The contest is valid for all P2E games on Portuma Marketplace.
Portuma's employees and their first degree relatives cannot participate in this competition.
Winners must have downloaded the Portuma Connect application.
The competition starts on 10.12.2024 and ends on 24.10.2024
To be eligible to win, you must have retweeted the contest post announcement on Twitter.
winners must be members of Portoken channels on Telegram.
To be eligible to win, you must have a minimum of $50 of Portoken in your wallet.
If a fraudulent transaction is detected, your account will be closed without warning and will not be reopened.
To be eligible to win, you need to sign up 2 of your friends to the Portuma Gamer Panel.
Your friends who are members of the Portuma gamer panel must be registered players in the system, having actively downloaded the games and verified their e-mail addresses and phone numbers.
It is mandatory for you to learn the usernames of your friends who are registered to the Portuma gamer panel, so that the technical team can confirm them.
join us now to be one of thousands of winning gamers!
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